
Amputated Limb

Amputated Limb (Common)

Category: Body Types

Characters with this trait have one or more limbs missing. This can be either any one of their legs or their tail. 
They cannot pass in breedings due to it being non-genetic nor can they be gained as a mutation via breedings. 
For ailments that can be passed in breedings, please refer to the Physical Ailments trait.

NOTE: Amputations must be used respectably and thus cannot be used to change the limb for aesthetic reasons. 
For example; amputating the tail tip of a Kiamara to make it appear as a different trait, such as a non-tapered tail would not be permitted. 
If you wish to apply an amputation to a Kiamara, you may do so with a reason as to why they are obtaining this amputation. 
Amputations must have visible scarring to help further differentiate them from them. 

Potentially Unacceptable Examples:

Whilst these sorts of edits may be acceptable due to the reason they are obtaining them, we have included these as potentially unacceptable as they may be used disrespectfully to bypass a trait, which amputated limbs should not be used to do. These edits potentially resemble higher-traited edits.


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